Today Egg Rate In Namakkal
Today Egg Rate In Namakkal
The Namakkal egg rate today is : ₹4.65 per Piece.
*Date* | *Piece* | *Tray* | *100 PCS* | Peti |
19-02-2025 | ₹4.65 | ₹139.5 | ₹465 | ₹977 |
18-02-2025 | ₹4.4 | ₹132 | ₹440 | ₹924 |
17-02-2025 | ₹4.65 | ₹139.5 | ₹465 | ₹977 |
16-02-2025 | ₹4.65 | ₹139.5 | ₹465 | ₹977 |
15-02-2025 | ₹4.65 | ₹139.5 | ₹465 | ₹977 |
14-02-2025 | ₹4.65 | ₹139.5 | ₹465 | ₹977 |
13-02-2025 | ₹4.65 | ₹139.5 | ₹465 | ₹977 |
12-02-2025 | ₹4.65 | ₹139.5 | ₹465 | ₹977 |
11-02-2025 | ₹4.65 | ₹139.5 | ₹465 | ₹977 |
10-02-2025 | ₹4.65 | ₹139.5 | ₹465 | ₹977 |
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Today Egg Rate In Namakkal
Hello, friends if you are looking for today egg rate in namakkal, then you are at the right place. Here you will get complete information on Namakkal egg rate today. The rates provided here are the Namakkal necc egg rate. These are obtained from the official NECC website. Namakkal egg wholesale rates are also displayed on this page.
You will find all these details here:
- Namakkal egg rate
- Namakkal egg rate today
- Namakkal egg price today
- Namakkal necc egg rate
- egg Namakkal price
- egg Namakkal
- egg Namakkal rate
- Namakkal egg wholesale
- namakkal egg rate today tamilnadu
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What is price of egg in Namakkal today?
To find out the price of egg in Namakkal today visit this
Why is Namakkal famous for eggs?
Nammakal is a district in Tamil nadu and is also called as the Egg City, Poultry Town, because of large quantity of production of Eggs from this district. Its famous in the world for Eggs.
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